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Head Massage

Indian Head Massage

This treatment uses various massage techniques; shiatsu and acupressure, working on the upper back, arms, shoulders, neck, scalp and face. There are many benefits from Indian Head Massage.



Indian Head Massage (or champissage) is based on the ancient Ayurvedic healing system passed down from generation to generation within ancient India. It is a holistic therapy incorporating mind, body and spirit. The treatment has been practised in India for over a thousand years, originally to keep hair in beautiful condition by stimulating blood flow to the scalp, thus nourishing the hair roots A variety of herbs, spices and oils with known healing properties were used in the process which gave the added benefit of relieving a number of common scalp conditions. Originally it was almost exclusively concerned with massage of the head and hair follicles, although over time it has developed to incorporate massage and manipulation of the face, scalp, neck, upper back, shoulders and upper arms as is seen in the modern embodiment of the therapy.


Indian Head massage was originally developed by women who practised the techniques within their family and friendship groups on those of all ages. As well as the physical and psychological benefits associated with the treatment it also gave the added bonus of improving bonds. Over time Hairdressers and barbers began to offer Indian Head Massage to both their male and female customers as it complimented their main service. The popularity of champissage has continued to grow to the point that it is now widely available as a service throughout India and increasingly in the U.K.

Physical Benefits  


  • relieves muscle tension and improves mobility in in the upper body and neck

  • improves blood circulation around the head and neck area assisting with the exchange of carbon dioxide nutrients and oxygen

  • improves lymphatic drainage from the head and neck so assisting with the removal of waste and toxins

  • relaxes the body so improving mental concentration

  • relieves eyestrain

  • reduces congestion and a number of sinus related problems


Psychological benefits


  • helps to balance the energy centres (or chakras) of the body through releasing pent up energy to help the body operate at its optimum capacity

  • relieves headaches, migraines and other similar psychological ailments

  • dramatically reduces stress mental tension and anxiety

  • helps to alleviate insomnia

  • revitalises and clears the mind, which in turn improves concentration and mental responsiveness

  • helps to improve memory capabilities

  • promotes a deep and lasting sense of peace, calm and tranquillity


Some of my clients have also reported an improvement in Tinnitus symptoms when combined with a reiki treatment.

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