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Benefits & Aftercare Advice


You will often feel very relaxed following treatment.  You will be offered a glass of water after your treatment and have a short “come to” rest but it will be important for you to have a suitable rest period as far as is practically possible after treatment. You will be feeling in a relaxed state and may notice profound changes in your body and mind. In order to receive the maximum benefit from your treatment, it is recommended to follow the aftercare advice.


Also listed below are just some of the benefits that can be experienced from the various therapies and treatments. Benefits vary for each treatment and for each client. Many clients have other benefits, which are not listed below.


Massage Benefits

  • Aids the condition and health of the hair, particularly with the use of hair oil (Indian Head Massage)

  • Boosts the immune system 

  • Defines facial features such as cheekbones and jaw line

  • Encourages vitality 

  • Freedom from tension headaches, symptoms migraines and eye strain 

  • Frees knots of muscular tension

  • General feeling of well-being

  • Improved blood circulation 

  • Improved lymphatic drainage (removal of toxins from the body) 

  • Improved muscles tone and reduced sagginess 

  • Improved skin complexion

  • Improves recovery time from muscular strain

  • Improves sleep

  • Lifts the feelings of depression

  • Promotes relaxation

  • Reduces cellulite 

  • Reduces anxiety, stress and tensions, both emotional and physical 

  • Reduction in wrinkles 

  • Relaxes connective tissue

  • Relieves pain 

  • Relieves the symptoms of tinnitus

  • Sooths the nervous system

  • Stimulates the skin

  • Stretches the ligaments and tendons keeping them supple and pliable


Aftercare Advice

  • Drink plenty of water or herbal drinks for 48 hours - this will help detoxify your body

  • Eat a light meal for the rest of the day or evening

  • Avoid the consumption of alcohol and caffeine for at least 48 hours - as this can have a dehydrating effect

  • Try to relax for the rest of the day or evening


Treatments are designed to rid the body of toxins and waste and consequently you may experience some adverse feelings after the treatment such as:

  • Feeling worse before feeling better (e.g. headache)

  • General feeling of fatigue

  • Totally energised


These should be regarded as positive reactions indicating that the body is healing itself.


If you have had an Indian Head Massage using oil, leave the oil in for as long as possible, as this will make your hair soft and silky. To remove the oil; shampoo straight onto dry hair, rinse and then shampoo and condition as normal.


Facials ​​Benefits

  • Stress reduction

  • Cleanse your skin

  • Reduce signs of stress

  • Improve blood circulation

  • Skin rejuvenation

  • Skin detoxification

  • Reduce acne

  • Skin exfoliation

  • Tighten your skin

  • Reduce eye bags and dark circles

  • Provide you with even skin tone


Aftercare Advice

  • Make regular appointment every 2-4 weeks to improve and maintain the condition of your skin.

  • Avoid wearing make up for 24-48 hours in order to let your skin breathe and for the treatment to take full effect.

  • Avoid using any alcohol based products on your skin as this strips the skin of its natural oils and upsets the balance.

  • Between appointments try and develop a skin care routine by cleansing, toning and moisturising every morning and evening.

  • Use an eye gel to reduce the appearance of fine lines.

  • Use a moisturiser containing an SPF factor of at least 15+ for the face and neck to include the décolleté area to minimise any sun damage from being outside.

  • Exfoliate gently 4-5 days after the treatment to keep the pores clear and refined.

  • Avoid the sun and sun beds or heated areas e.g. saunas, jacuzzis, steam rooms for at least 48 hours after treatment.

  • With regular massage Sweet Almond oil can help to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Drink at least 2 litres of water a day.  Water helps to keep your skin hydrated and will help to keep you looking younger.

  • Remove all make up before going to bed.  This will allow your skin to breathe at night and regenerate and to stop bacteria building up as you sleep.


​Reiki Benefits

  • Boosts the immune system

  • Clears energy blockages 

  • Encourages vitality 

  • General feeling of well-being

  • Lifts the feelings of depression

  • Promotes relaxation 

  • Promotes self-healing 

  • Reduces the effects of trauma

  • Relieves pain 

  • Supports the bereavement process


Aftercare Advice

​After your session, it’s always good to drink a glass of water when there has been energy movement and relax as much as possible.


Reflexology Benefits

​The aim of reflexology is to create homeostasis, which means that the organs in the body are all working together and at their best.


​Relieves Pains and Aches

Types of aches and pains, such as neck pain, migraines, headaches, and upper and lower backaches.


​Nerve Function

Reflexology has been known to stimulate more than 7,000 different nervous endings.

Reflexology also opens and cleans out neural pathways of various areas around the body.


Fights Anxiety and Depression

Massaging the top of your toes can enhance the production of serotonin. The adrenal, hypothalamic, pineal and pituitary glands also play a role in emotions, including depression. Stimulating these reflex points by massaging the feet for a few minutes three times a day may help in relieving the condition. It is also effective in alleviating anxiety and stress.


Improves Circulation

An improvement in blood flow throughout the body. This means that blood and oxygen are transported through all areas more efficiently. The bodily systems function even better as more oxygen is cycled. This also increases metabolism and results in faster regrowth and healing of damaged cells.


Makes Feet Healthier

It stimulates the muscles, reduces pain in the ankles and heels, and alleviates stiffness. This is one of the easiest ways to keep your feet free from all types of foot problems, such as Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, as well as toenail fungus.


Relaxation and Better Sleep

As mentioned before, reflexology can open neural pathways and results in a more relaxed condition in the body. This reduces stress levels, triggering a state of calm throughout your mind and body. Foot massage before going to bed also induces sleep. Reflexology is commonly applied to treat sleep disorders such as insomnia.


Reduces PMS and Menopause Symptoms

Most women suffer from irritability, dysmenorrhea, bloating, headaches, fatigue, insomnia and mood swings during PMS or premenstrual syndrome. These symptoms can be alleviated with daily massage. Reflexology is also useful for reducing menopause symptoms like depression and hot flashes.


Lowers Blood Pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension affects millions of people around the world and causes kidney disease, strokes and cardiovascular diseases. Reflexology has been found to lower systolic blood pressure and triglyceride effectively. If you or someone you know has high blood pressure, massage the solar plexus reflex point.


Cancer Relief

While reflexology does not directly cure cancer, it can provide relief from the side effects of various cancer treatments, such as radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Daily massage can also help patients to sleep better, lower the chances of vomiting and other digestive problem and reduce anxiety. Reflexology is also known to increase blood flow and clear neural pathways, which may help to stimulate antioxidant activity and slow the spread of cancer.



One of the best ways to eliminate toxins from the body is reflexology.


Aftercare Advice

​Please follow the advice for massage.


General Aftercare Advice

  • ​Alcohol and smoking will hasten the ageing process.

  • Wear sun hats and protect your face as much as possible when outdoors in the sun.

  • Lack of sleep will make your skin look dull and tired.  Try and have at least one early night a week.

  • A healthy diet is essential for the body to function properly.  Exercise combined with healthy eating on a regular basis; your face and body will thank you!


Please tell us about your experiences so they can be taken into consideration in your next session. We very much hope you enjoyed your treatment and look forward to seeing you again.

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